

467 Uppsatser om Apartment houses - Sida 1 av 32

Redesign of an existing apartment block in Kv Preussen to passive house

Passive houses are a relatively new concept in Sweden and by that it is meant a house without a traditional heating system. The most acknowledged passive house project is the terrace houses in Lindås, Gothenburg, which we have used as a reference. This project concerns a square apartment block. So far, no square apartment block has been built as a passive house in Sweden.The common opinion in the construction industry is that it is not economical to build extremely energy efficient houses. With Peab as commissioner our task was to investigate if that is true, if regarding the construction of a multi storey house as a passive houseMidroc, now owned by Peab, constructed in the block of Preussen in Jönköping during 2004-2005 four houses, with 132 apartments distributed on seven floors.

Ombildad hyresrätt ? påverkar den en delning av egendom? : Vid äktenskapsskillnad eller upplösning av samboförhållande

 When a couple divorce or when couples move apart a division of property can be done. A married couple's property constitutes of joint property and private property. In a division of property between spouses is only the value of the joint property included, not the value of the private property. In a division of property between couples that live together but not a married their joint property that are bought to be used by them together will be included. It is the value of the joint property that will be shared in the division of property.

Simulering av energieffektiviserande åtgärder för små- och flerbostadshus : Möjligheter för JM:s hustyper att uppnå passivhuskonceptet vid nybyggnation

The purpose of this project was to evaluate how energy efficiently some of JM?s residential buildings can become in standard production. What kind of measures are needed to achieve the level of energy demand that is included in BBR12 (Boverkets Byggregler)? What measures are needed for achieving a lower demand so that the buildings could be classified as passive houses? The investigation has included a single family house and two different types of apartment blocks.The simulation programs Enorm and VIP+ have been used to calculate the energy demand of the buildings. The results from the programs have been compared with the measured energy demand for the three buildings.

Konsekvenser av energimodellerad arkitektur

The interest in building low energy houses has increased along with the rising engagement inthe climate questions. With the advancing energy prices it is highly suitably for those whobuild and administer their buildings in long-term to build energy-saving houses. 40 % ofSweden?s total energy consumption constitutes of the energy in residences, therefore it iscrucial to take advantage of all the free energy as we possibly can. With crucial questions likequality of living and profit low energy building is a subject that concerns us all.Three proposals for apartment blocks are presented in this work on a real estate in Stockholm.Each proposal is developed through unique processes of design with the purpose to displaypossibilities to deal with the energy requirements of today and tomorrow through energybased architecture.The first proposal is an apartment block based on a traditional design process, the demands ofthe property owner and it?s affected by opinions from architects.

Ägarlägenheter : En studie av tre delmarknader i viss jämförelse med bostadsrätt

Background Apartment ownership is a popular and well established type of housing in many countries, such as Norway, Denmark and UK. During spring 2009 the Swedish Parliament passed a new legislation which made it possible for apartment ownerships also in Sweden. But apartment ownership has had a slow start, which partly can be explained by the recent recession.Purpose & methodThe purpose of this paper is to study the market of apartment ownership in Öckerö, Stockholm and Karlstad. The study is a qualitative examination where relevant companies from the submarkets have been interviewed.ResultThe result of this study shows that the interest for apartment ownership is over all high in all three submarkets. It is yet clear the knowledge about apartment ownership is generally poor among the public, and when the banks still misses proper routines for mortgages, it creates uncertainty, and slows down the market.

Erfarenheter från flerbostadshus som passivhus : En handflata och sex värmeljus

All new households were to be constructed with "near zero energy house standards" (NZE-house) by the year of 2020. The ambition to construct energy-efficient buildings had to increase rapidly in the spring of 2013.The purpose of this report was to increase the interest for building contractors to construct apartment buildings with passive house standards. By locating and evaluating experiences from an existing passive house a case study including interviews, field visits and document analysis was made. Research of literature regarding other passive houses in Sweden also helped to answer the following questions:- What positive and negative experiences have the study of the passive house meant to the involved stakeholders and residents?- What improvements can be made based on identified experiences?- How can an apartment building be designed as a passive house based on possible improvements?By collecting good and bad experiences, as well as improvements and potential design proposals, a diagram was created designed as a tool for developers when constructing apartment buildings with passive house standards.

Att vara eller icke vara? : en diskussion om kulthusens existens på Gotland

The purpose of this thesis is to find evidence if cult houses existed on Gotland during the Bronze Age. The cult house is a common term in modern Bronze Age archaeology and the general definitions of cult house are discussed and why cult houses seem to be absent on Gotland. In this thesis the cult house are discussed as a phenomenon, and the possibilities to find Bronze Age cult houses on Gotland are evaluated by making comparisons between Gotland houses with already defined cult houses from the Swedish mainland. Some known cult houses are presented in more detail as case studies, together with house remains on Gotland which could have potential to be defined as cult houses..

Hur skulle hemlösa och bostadslösa människor vilja bo? : 10 intervjuer i storstadsmiljö

The purpose of the essay was to discover how homeless persons want to live. Does it matter what it looks like? The method used was a qualitative study including literature and 10 interviews with ten homeless persons, of which seven lived outdoors and three in temporarily residences. The central questions were the following:How do homeless people want to live?In what sort of houses do they want to live and where?How do they look upon their situation and their future?What obstacles can occur if they for example got an apartment to live in?Are there any proposals to solve the problems?Most of them had been living outdoors for five to ten years, perhaps more, and they were worried and sad about their future.

NÄR SKA MAN SÄLJA SIN BOSTAD? : En multipel regressionsanalys av bostadsrätter i Stockholm

This project is made to see at which time at the year it?s best to sell an apartment inside the tolls in Stockholm city. The two types of apartments that are compared are one room and four rooms.The comparison is made at the request of Valuegard since they were interested in the result and it?s considered as a interesting comparison.This comparison can be extended to other amounts of rooms in an apartment. But in this project, only two types will be represented.The result can be used both for those who wants to sell and buy an apartment.

Jakten på värde: ? En kvantitativ studie om upplevt kundvärde och nöjdhet vid bostadsrättsköp i Stockholms innerstad

This Master Thesis within Marketing and Strategy investigates the values customers perceive within the Real Estate market in the inner City of Stockholm. The dependent variable is customer satisfaction, and it could be explained by 1) the feeling of light and uniqueness of the apartment, 2) that the apartment is of a satisfying size, 3) the address of the apartment, 4) and the economics, the common areas of the building, and the bidding process. The feeling of light and uniqueness, combined with the number of square meters, and the monthly fee of the apartment, are also identified as the price driven functions of this market. A quantitative method is used to investigate the market, where 107 apartment buyers completed a survey..

Lågenergihus : Att bygga energisnålt

A large proportion of the energy consumption is in the building industry and a large part goes to heating our homes and premises. In the developing countries' development now threatens the large consumption of energy in our earth's climate. It is in the West world that we must be good role models in terms of energy efficiency. One solution to reduce energy consumption for heating of buildings may be to continue to build low energy houses and passive houses, but it is also about rebuilding the buildings that currently have high energy consumption such as the old Million program Houses. These buildings will be standing many years and their energy consumption will not diminish over time by itself and energy prices will certainly not diminish in the future.

Husen vid Trullbrändan : bronsålderskulthus på Gotland : en fallstudie på två husgrunder i Vallstena sn.

This essay discuss if Bronze Age cult houses were present at Gotland during the Bronze Age. Bronze Age cult houses are a well know phenomenon on mainland Sweden but because of inventory problems no Bronze Age cult houses have been found on Gotland. The main reason for the inventory problems are the Iron Age house foundations that are present in a large number on Gotland, the cult houses and the Iron Age houses have some design details that makes them difficult to separate from each other. In this essay a number of criteria are presented to help separate cult houses from the Iron Age house foundations. Three criteria?s regarding cult houses on Gotland is also presented in this essay.Two house foundations that PhD student Joakim Wehlin, University of Gothenburg and Gotland University, found in Vallstena parish, Gotland, are presented in this essay.

Energikloka hus i Järinge - energiteknisk uppföljning

Energy-wise houses in Järinge - technical follow-up The company JM built energy-efficient houses in Tensta in Stockholm. They have built a total of 16 houses divided into two parts of A-houses and B-houses. The buildings are an attempt by JM to minimize energy-use of the buildings without affecting the comfort and living standards. The project aims to examine the data for the 16 houses on the basis of data and produce a report showing how the buildings worked through a technical perspective. JM approximates that the purchased energy will not be higher than 95 kWh/m2 per year.

Frånluftsvärmepumpens möjligheter i flerbostadshus

If a building is heated by a heat pump, it is of high importance that the heat pump has a high coefficient of performance. An exhaust air heat pump extracts heat from the building?s exhaust air. The air has a relatively high and constant temperature all year around, leading to a high seasonal coefficient of performance. This thesis examines whether it is profitable to complement an exhaust ventilation system with an exhaust air heat pump in an apartment block that already has geothermal heat pump, district heating, oil- or biofuel heated system.

Beräkning av koldioxidutsläppet från bostadssektorn i Stockholms län

During the last decades the housing sector has increased continuously, and housings and services accounted for 40 % of the energy usage in Sweden during 2011. The expansion in number of buildings in society has resulted in an increase in both energy usage and emissions of greenhouse gases. It is crucial to enable a sustainable development of society and as a result, the demand to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide is a current question. In this study, the carbon dioxide emitted from the housing sector in Stockholm is estimated. The housing sector can be divided into different types of houses such as apartment blocks, single-family houses and holiday houses. By collecting information of the energy purchased in respective households, a computational model is generated that calculates the total emission of carbon dioxide.

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